It is really very
easy to use PHPMailer rather than use of PHP default mail() function.
- Ease of use.
- Much flexible.
- Can have user
authentication which php mail() doesn't have.
Before start, you need to download PHPMailer zip source files. You can download that freely fromthe internet (
Then you will require files class.phpmailer.php and class.smtp.php from the downloaded source files.
In class.phpmailer.php modify required fields like;
username, password, etc..
In class.smtp.php modify required fields like;
Sample mail code :
IsSMTP(); // telling the class to use SMTP
$mail->Host = ""; // SMTP server
$mail->From = "";
$mail->Subject = "First PHPMailer Message";
$mail->Body = "Hi! \n\n This is my first e-mail sent through PHPMailer.";
if(!$mail->Send()) {
echo 'Message was not sent.';
echo 'Mailer error: ' . $mail->ErrorInfo;
} else {
echo 'Message has been sent.';
If you try to send
mail in a loop sometimes it will send the mail for everyone. So after sending
the mail it would be a good practice to remove the address from the php mail